Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Life: Storybook

Here is the link for: Life: Storybook

1. Identify the image that in your opinion is the most effective in developing the story as a whole. and explain why it was effective. Did the image and written narrative interact in a way the created irony, metaphor and/or metonymy?

I feel that the woman has found the secret to life as it is locked away in our hearts. The heart is a metaphor for happiness. The heart could also be a metaphor for life itself, as each human needs a heart in order to live. 

2. Explain how two or more elements in the illustration help support and develop the story.

The girl in the illustrations look to be about the same age but is doing something that is important to her. The story is set during the end of fall right before winter when everything is dead. She is sitting on the swing set alone, yet is extremely content. The second page, she is walking a dog, showing that our purpose is to take care of others. The last page shows her flying which symbolizes her freedom. She has discovered the age old secret and is flying high on life.

3. Identify two elements that are repeated throughout a majority of the images. Explain how these elements support the story.

I chose to use brown as the main color as though one is reading a story in black and white. The brown color is almost lifeless yet highlight the girl's emotions.  The girl is repeated throughout the story and her demeanor does not change. Her actions throughout the story shows the progression of her understanding what life means.

1 comment:

  1. The third frame was clearly the most effective in developing the story. I liked the irony of fishing for meaning to life and having the heart on the end of the line symbolizing love and acceptance which each of us want and need in our lives. There are a couple of difference elements that play a major role in your story, and those are color and lack of color. Those are repeated throughout the story. The lack of color creates, in my opinion, quite a melancholy world for the young lady looking for the meaning of life. She is alone in all the scenes. Yet, when she discovers the meaning of life that she has been searching (fishing) for, it is evident to the reader that it is love. The colored heart brings the answer to the forefront. She is then able to fly once she has discovered that secret, and love lifts her high above everything else in her world. Great job. I loved it. Candi, you and I were in total agreement in developing our stories to reflect that love is the secret to life.
