Sunday, July 6, 2014

Picture Book Review

1. The text of a children's book is usually organized into simple sentences and short paragraphs. How is the text organized in the book that you have chosen to review? Explain whether this organization was sufficient for the story that this book is telling. 

The text is large and simple font. The sentences are short and choppy and sometimes only one word, repeated over and over again. The text is placed by what image are describing.

2. Children's book authors often employ literary tools to help make the story more vivid in the readers minds. Commonly used literary tools are rhythm, alliteration, repetition, refrains, onomatopoeia, simile, personification, rhyme, and imagery. Identify three different areas in the text where a literary tool has been employed. For each example you identify, state the type of literary tool that is used and how the employment of the tool helps support the story. 

Rhyme: is the correspondence of sound and Dr. Seuss uses words that rhyme with feet. The rhythm of the book is like a song.

Repetition: The word feet or foot is repeated throughout the entire book. 

Personification is human characteristics that are applied to a non-human and the The Foot Book uses fuzzy creatures to teach children opposites throughout the book.

3. Identify two areas in the text that use a question or other device to help move the reader to the next page. 

The words just stop and the reader wants to turn the page to see what is next. The book is not wrote in complete sentences but descriptive words. Each creature is happy; even on the page "feet at night". There are so many different feet that the reader needs to see what is next. The rhythm of the book also lends the reader to turn the page as to finish the rhyme. 

1. Some picture books have an images on the front cover that presents the main conflict or point of the story. Identify two or more elements from the front cover of the book you are reviewing and explain how they relate to the story. 

The main character is on the front of the cover. He is pointing to his foot which is the main idea of the entire book. One looking at the cover notices that the 'foot' is highlighted with rays shooting out from it. The character's foot does not look like a human's foot but one knows that since the animal is standing up that he is pointing to his foot.

2. What is the primary medium (collage, drawings, photographs, etc.) used in the images? 

The book uses yellow and brown as the main colors. The background to some pages are white with just an image and text while other pages have color as the background. The text is bold and sticks out on every page.

3. Identify the image that in your opinion is the most effective in developing the story as a whole. Explain how two or more elements in the illustration help support and develop the story. If you can, insert a screenshot of the image into your blog.

I think this image is a good depiction of the book. The color used is bright and vivid and children like bright colors. The position of the characters also are important. The creature with 'front feet, back feet' stretches across two pages yet we know that the author is talking about the same image. The smaller characters on the page have the color of the word. I thought that the red foot was smaller because the word 'red' is small compared to the word 'black'. The other character with the black feet is larger. 

4. Identify two elements that are repeated throughout a majority of the images. Explain how these elements support the story. If you can insert a screenshot into your blog.

The foot is repeated on every page. The fuzzy character is searching for how many different kind of feet he can find throughout his journey.

5. Find an example of how the images and text work together to create irony,metaphor and/or metonymy. If you can insert a screenshot of the image into your blog. 

This image is of a 'sick' foot. Children know that feet cannot get sick.

1. What is the easily identifiable dominant trait of the story's main character? 

The foot is the dominant trait of the story. Every foot is different and our differences is what makes us identifiable and unique. 

2. Identify a character trait of the main character that is established through the text. 

The main fuzzy creature who is looking for feet is happy and curious. He is trying to find all the different kinds of feet there are in the world. 

3. Identify a character trait of the main character that is established through the images. 

The images show that everyone is different and it is OK. One should not judge anyone based on appearance and the character meets so many different people and they are all content.

4. Identify two character traits of the main character that young children identify or sympathize with. 

I think that children are self-conscious even at an early age. The story shows people with all sorts of different feet and it could compare to a child's shoe. Some kids have the brand new, stylish shoes while others may wear hand-me downs. The story has happy characters no matter what type of feet they may have. 

5. What was the main problem that the main character faces in the book? How is this problem similar to a problem that most children have faced before? 

A lot of children get left and right confused as they are starting school. This book teaches opposites and counting. The book has all characters that are very different from each other and everyone is living in harmony. It shows that no matter who one might come across in life, we all are walking on our own two feet. 

6. Sometimes a children's book character will solve the main conflict on his or her own. How did the character in the book you selected turn to self-reliance to solve the main conflict of the story? 

The end of the story has images of all kinds of creatures and their different size feet. He has realized there are so many feet that he possibly could not identify them all. 

1 comment:

  1. Who doesn't love Dr. Seuss? The lessons taught are subtle but so important in this book. I think you did a great job pointing out so many fears and frailties that children live with every day that are really big deals to them as they go through different ages and stages in their lives. If a child can feel better about themselves while reading or having this book read to them, then a good "feat" has been done!! Thank you. Wonderful job.
